What To Expect When You Adopt a Rescue Cat

Rescue cats need time and space to give them a chance to adjust to their new home. Please take a read of the advice below.
When you adopt a rescue cat you must understand that they can have been through awful trauma or be very unsettled. With this in mind you need to understand what sort of reactions or issues you could encounter.
Some cats will act out, others will hide away until they know you are not there to hurt them but to love and help them. Here are some tips below to help them settle in.
Give the cat plenty of space when you first take them home.
Ensure that the cat will have plenty of hiding spaces, putting cardboard boxes about is always a great idea.
Some cats have been abandoned and fear if they use the cat flap that they wont be allowed back in - walk out in the garden with them, don't force them outside.
Wait for them to come to you, don't crowd them, don't grab them to make them cuddle you, they will come to you when they feel safe enough.
When you are feeding them, talk to them, very gentle reassuring voices will help, cats react to your tone.
They may not eat properly for a few days but this is normal. Some cats refuse to eat wet food but will nibble on biscuits, try tempting them with tuna, boiled white fish or chicken broth.
Some cats will have had very bad experiences with humans, they need extra time to settle. (We always let you know if we think this is the case for your adoptee)
They may have diarrhea, as when cats are stressed it can upset their tummies. If this continues longer than 48 hours please call us for advice or take them to the vets. Also if after 48 hours they have not eaten or used litter tray please call us for advice.
A rescue cat has usually been through some kind of trauma, they need time and space to settle in and trust that you won't hurt them.
We are always here to help, no matter the time, if you are worried at all please call, someone will always answer your call.