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Picklericks Blog “Does BBC Stand For Beautiful Black Catrobat?”

So this week has been extremely interesting. I've been meeting lots of new people. Some of them are going to be helpers, so I've been making sure that they are properly trained in how to look after me. After all, I am very special, being the CW mascot.

Some people have gone up to where the cats are being held hostage. At least, that's what the cats tell me, I don't know what they were doing. Nobody lets me in there because i like to scent mark my way round somewhere new. I heard one of the cats say something about 'furever home visits,' whatever that is. My mum says I already have one.

And then Graham from BBC came yesterday, he had a microphone thing in his hand that I rubbed against, mum said I might become famous!!!! Then he asked Mum to pick me up for a 'photo', and even my sister, Princess Scruffalot, got in on the action... (Stealing my thunder there, I think.)

I also started doing 'Catrobatics' 🐈 to try & put her to shame 🫠

Anyway, all told it was a fun week, chasing stuff and bringing in my kills 🍃 I still love sitting in the garden to sing 🎵, not quite sure everyone appreciates that, though. Heehee 😀

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