My cat live here, they're here to stay. you don't like pets, be on your way. they share my home, my food, my space, this is their home, this is their place.
You will find cat hair on the floor, Wherever you look there will be more, they may request a little pat, a simple 'no' won't settle that.
It gripes me when I hear you say, 'just how is it you live this way? they smell, they shed, they're in the way..'
WHO ASKED YOU? is all I say..
They love me more than anyone, my voice is like the rising sun, they merely have to hear me say
'C'mon, time to go, to go and play' then Muddy knows, as I say would you like a swing today, he will bounce and hop and sing. It really is his favourite thing.
They never say 'no time for you', they're always there, to GO and DO. And if I'm sad? They're by my side
and if I'm mad? they circle wide and if I laugh, they laugh with me, they understand, they always see.
So once again, I say to you
come visit me, but know this too..
My cats live here, they're here to stay. you don't like pets, be on your way. they share my bed, my food, my space
this is their home, this is their place.. 🐈⬛🐈🐾❤️❤️❤️❤️